"After a prolonged period where he was seduced by technology's generosity, –from photographic transfers and software's image editing to the sophisticated giclée print–, he comes back to painting with brushes", announces Marcela Santorun in an engaged and personal text written to present De Natura, a collection of 21 paintings belonging to the latest production of Carlos Maño (Zaragoza, 1960). Now what has happened is that after the neopop reflective and critical period of recent years, Maño surprises again with an expressionist inflection and with gestures full of lyricism, made in small format on paper which constitutes his first collaboration with the online gallery of art Obra Sobre Papel.

Marcela Santorun
A researcher reflects on the painter
Marcela Santorum is an artist with a strong academic background that also works in the field of aesthetic languages. This researcher is co-author of Luis Seoane. O Alquimista (Ediciós do Castro, 1998), a work that won the Galicia Critique Award in essay category. Santorun collaborates literarily with media and institutions and exposes his artistic production regularly. This critical reflection on the work of Carlos Maño has been worked out especially for Obra Sobre Papel.
"Return to narrate with brushes is an urgent demand, an expressive need", Carlos Maño explains |
Landscapes, still lifes and some abstractions are issues of this new Maño's paintings where the brushwork, compositional rhythms and refined chromatic elaborations generate a renewed expressionism with personal and unique artistic values.
Santorum, a good connoisseur of the work of Maño, puts on guard that "the creative process of this painter does not progress linearly. The idea of a circle is more appropriate to define the dynamics of his production..." (Catalog of Tránsitos, 1996/2006, an anthology held in the Cultural Center of the Province of Ourense in 2007). In the paintings of De Natura collection the artist rescues indeed some of his past pictorial icons and present them reworked with another skill and another sensibility.