The Visto en Barcelona (Seen in Barcelona) collection has been assembled by David Vergara based on a photographic archive created from 1995 to 2013, during his frequent visits to the Catalan capital. 21 images comment, with architecture, graffiti and intervention, on some aspects of urban identity.
There are also examples of human behaviour. To wit, in one of the photographs you can see the many customers of a refined bar of timeless décor by late afternoon light, through whose windows historic stones are visible. In a different register, a hodgepodge of people gaily dances in the Plaça dels Àngels. Vergara’s sight seems to celebrate, but often satirizes what has been observed.

Gabriel Dreyfus
A transgressive biography of the author
Gabriel Dreyfus, Argentinean creative adman and political communications expert, wrote for the catalogue of Visto en Barcelona, The third birth of David Vergara, in which he covers stages in the author’s life and does so, as usual, with no other limits than his own. Dreyfus’ irreverence is often an extremely clear-sighted exercise, which reinterprets particular realities. To place his subject in context, he introduces provocative opinions on the recent history of Argentina. Finally, family references seem to establish a shared link to the past.
More on Gabriel Dreyfus in www.gabrieldreyfus.com